Our Mission
In 2012, Rabbi Marc Labowitz of Temple Adath Or saw the need, as many do, to feed the homeless and hungry of South Florida. He recognized that there is enough food, however much of it is wasted. Nearly half of all food produced never makes it to the belly of a human being. The missing link between the food industry and the hungry is the transportation and redistribution of food that would normally be wasted. Rabbi Labowitz has put together a team of drivers for an annual project that he has called All-Fed. In All-Fed’s first year, there were approximately a dozen drivers and 20 restaurants. The most recent annual project included 50 volunteer drivers and 100 restaurants and markets. In 2015, All-Fed evolved from an annual project to one that operates year round.

Food Contributions
This option is designated for restaurants, grocery stores, farms, and individuals that would love to contribute.

Volunteer Drivers
This option is available to any individuals that have a valid driver’s license, insurance, and access to a safe vehicle.

Monetary Donations
All-Fed thanks you for your support in helping to feed the hungry and homeless in South Florida.

Homeless Shelters
This option is for homeless shelters and food kitchens that would like to receive All-Fed food donations.